PSA: An evening of games at the Havana Club!

On Sunday, the Havana Club in Tel Aviv is hosting an evening of games!

From the Facebook page:
An evening of games by BEIT MARZEAH at Havana Music Club

Featuring a big area for boardgames and a private room for role-playing games waiting for you.

The venue is spacious and air conditioned
Clean and well lit
A huge library of games
Bar & kitchen available at reasonable prices

The event is suited for all ages

Address: Yigal Alon 126, Tel Aviv, Havana Music Club
Open doors: 17:00 until late at night
Admission: 30 NIS

For details:
0507444031, Siel

If you are aware of any conventions taking place in Israel, or some other interesting event taking place, please notify me, and I will do my best to report on it!

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Igor 11 possibly canceled

For reasons unknown to me, Igor 11 may have been canceled. I noticed in my notifications on Facebook that the event was canceled, although the website is still up. I have not received a reply yet from the creator of the event, so it may be prudent to assume that it is canceled. As for the Icon Day Two review; I just started university this week, and I’m swamped with difficult material. I’ll try my best to put it up Friday.

If you are aware of any convention taking place here in Israel, or some interesting event taking place, please notify me, and I will do my best to report on it!

REMINDER: Igor 11: The Great War

Reminding you that Igor is taking place next week! Be there, or be square!

(I will be posting the Icon day two review tomorrow or so)

If you are aware of any convention taking place here in Israel, or some interesting event taking place, please notify me, and I will do my best to report on it!

REMINDER: Icon next week!

Icon is happening next week, fellow conventioners! Get ready to be pumped for three days of non-stop sci-fi/fantasy goodness! I myself will be there day one and two, and I can’t wait to see you there! YEEEEEEEEEEEEAH!

If you are aware of any convention taking place here in Israel, please notify me, and I will do my best to report on it!


Date: October 12th-14th
Location: Eshkol Pais, Shprintzak 4, Tel Aviv
Convention type: Science Fiction/Fantasy
Hours: 10:00 – 01:00 AM day 1, day 2-3 09:00 – 01:00 AM
Entrance fee: None
Registration for events: Yes (most events cost money)
Pre-registration for events: Yes

Icon is almost here! This yearly convention takes place on Succot, and is (at least in my view) the Comic-Con of Israel. Three days of fun filled events, cosplay competitions, awesome merchandise, and wonderful, wonderful things! In previous years, all I did was buy books. Last year I ended up sleeping there overnight, though I only joined two events. This year I’ll be doing more! YEEEEEAH!

If you are aware of any convention taking place here in Israel, please notify me, and I will do my best to report on it!