REPORT: Harucon 2015

Date: March 5th
Location: Binyanei Hauma (International Convention Center), Jerusalem
Convention type: Anime
Hours: 10:30 AM – 09:00 PM
Entrance fee: 50 NIS (see below)
Registration for events: No
Pre-registration for events: No

Harucon is Israel’s biggest anime convention, organized by AMAI (the Association of Manga and Anime in Israel) and taking place every year on Purim day. It is immensely popular, with all of the things one would expect from an anime convention; the cosplay competition, lectures, movie showings, merchandise, and more! Sadly, I won’t be going, as I usually celebrate Purim with my friends and family (though I plan on going at some point). Some friends of mine who are going will be taking picture, and I will be posting those when I have access to them.

Regarding the tickets: members of AMAI and soldiers can get a discount of 5 NIS; there are a limited amount of discount tickets available. An extra 5 NIS will allow the purchaser to enter the main hall before the cosplay competition starts, with regard towards saving a seat before the event.

If you are aware of any convention taking place here in Israel, or some other interesting event taking place, please notify me, and I will do my best to report on it!

(Yes, I’m aware that I’m posting this late, as well as not posting the AnimeCon review yet. A combination of schoolwork, studying, and procrastination has led to me not putting it up yet, but expect it within the next few weeks. In general, I’ll at least try to be more on top of letting everyone know dates of events)

REVIEW: Fandominum Ball

I had been waiting a long time for the day of the Fandominum Ball to arrive, and I was very excited when last Sunday finally arrived. I took a bus from my university, garnering a few looks as I carried around my staff, umbrellla, and two bags containing parts of my costume. It was a pretty short walk – the train station was right there; when I arrived, I suited up (heh). There were some people already waiting to enter as well, even though it was only about 4:26.

Since I was reporting on the event, I got in for free and ahead of everyone else. So here are pictures of people setting up:

Yotam, one of the organizers for the ball, asked me if I needed anything, but I was fine. After taking some more pictures of people waiting outside, I helped Chen Moyal set up the Hotaru booth (they were another organizer), since there wasn’t much to do; not many people came between the time I arrived and 5:00, the time the doors were set to open.

The ticketers, hard at work!

And these two handsome doormen!

At 5:00, the doors opened, the booths finished setting up, and the guests started entering! Not much happened at the beginning; there was some slow music, and some guests were on the dance floor, but not much other than that.

Because when Jews dance, they do it in circles

There were people who liked the songs played, those who didn’t, but you’ll find that anywhere. I personally enjoyed the vast majority of the songs, but some people were complaining about the large amount of Japanese songs being played. I walked around some more, taking more pictures as I went. I also visited the Tricksrael hall where consoles were to be set up for gaming, but no luck:
Meet Awesome and Awesomer (me and my bro!)

Suitpool approves

Gotta love them BFSs


A funny event happened during one of the songs; the computer locked in the middle, cutting off the song while the DJs tried to find someone who knew the password

My rival photographer

I noticed that from the beginning towards the middle of the event, people tended to either dance in groups or in couples. Later, when people got more into the swing of things, it was almost exclusively groups.
Around this time, the music stopped while the chanukiah was lit, which was a nice touch. And then of course, we started again!

Of course, I wasn’t filming or taking pictures the entire time; from time to time, I would dance. There was a point where three metal songs were played, which I absolutely loved. There were a large number of people enjoying it as well, and I sang the lyrics with someone besides me while I rocked out on my air guitar. Like a boss. My brother filmed most of the next video, so you get to see me in all my glory, rocking my moves (I come in around 0:54):


After the next song, feeling hot but happy, I went out to check out the Tricksrael halls again, only to find that the consoles still hadn’t been set up. During the rest of night, I would go there to drink water from the water fountain; the hall was selling the food, and they were selling drinks – for 5 shekels a cup! I didn’t really want to spend a ton of money because I was thirsty, and it was frustrating that there wasn’t bottled water readily available on the dance floor,
There’s not much more to tell after this, because all we did was dance. A girl was injured during the course of the event; I hope she was alright. The consoles never ended being set up, , and I ended up going through all eight batteries that I brought with me (the large amount of video footage being the reason). I also overheard some people complaining about the service during one of my trips between the halls, 
Also, tons of couples formed when Love Story played (you know the one):

Alas, around this point, I had to leave so I could make my bus. I said my farewells, and walked away from the hall with my brother in tow. It had been a satisfying night, with surprisingly few problems, considering the fact that it was the organizer’s first attempt. Although I had been expecting ballroom dancing and such, the fact that it ended up being more like a rave didn’t bother me in the slightest, All in all, it had been a great night.
Especially when I finally got to cut loose with my brother’s sword:
(the full photo album can be found here. The full video footage can be found here)
If you are aware of any convention taking place here in Israel, or some other interesting event taking place, please notify me, and I will do my best to report on it!

PSA: Numerous events taking place next week!

Get ready for an awesome week of Chanukah events!
The Havanah Club is once again hosting a game  night!
The Romach Club is hosting an evening of role-playing games! (sign ups for remaining places here)
A role-playing convention convention, Hippogriff, is taking place in Jerusalem!
Day one of KarmiCon!
Day two of KarmiCon!
The gaming convention GameOn!
The LARP(Live Action Role Playing) ‘The Great Spring Hunt’

If you are aware of any convention taking place here in Israel, or some other interesting event taking place, please notify me, and I will do my best to report on it!