Date: August 13th
Location: Beit Hatzanchan, Rokeach 121, Ramat Gan
Convention type: Roleplaying
Hours: 8:30 AM – 10 PM
Entrance fee: See below
Registration required for events: Yes
Pre-registration required for events: No

DragonCon has come again! You can find plenty of roleplaying games, miniatures, card games, tournaments, and more at the convention; if you’ve never played a role-playing game before, now is the perfect time to start! There will be a library of games for people to borrow, so try a few that you’ve never played before! I will hopefully be going this year to play a Pathfinder Society game, and I hope to see you there!

Regarding tickets:
Entrance ticket: 20 NIS (includes access to the game library, merchandise stalls, and lectures)
Single event ticket: 40 NIS (includes everything in the entrance ticket)
Full day ticket: 60 NIS (includes free access to everything)

Pre-registration hasn’t been made available yet; I’ll let you know when it does.

UPDATE: Pre-registration is now open!

If you are aware of any convention taking place here in Israel, or some other interesting event taking place, please notify me, and I will do my best to report on it!