Date: April 6th – April 8th
Location: Eshkol Pais, Shprintzak 4, Tel Aviv
Convention type: Fantasy
Hours: 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM (see below)
Entrance fee: None
Registration for events: Yes (some events cost money)
Pre-registration for events: Yes

Olamot is a fantasy convention that takes place every year on Pesach. I don’t know much about it as last year was the first time that I had went (and I wasn’t there long), but it lasts for three days, so you can find something there that you like. It has the usual: lectures and workshops, meetups, panels, and screenings (though no roleplaying games for some reason).

The program lists the first day’s events as starting from 4 PM, though convention area itself is will be open well before then.

If you are aware of any convention taking place here in Israel, or some other interesting event taking place, please notify me, and I will do my best to report on it!