REPORT: Icon 2016

Date: October 18th – October 20th
Location: Eshkol Pais, Shprintzak 4, Tel Aviv
Convention type: Science Fiction / Fantasy
Hours: See below
Entrance fee: Free
Registration required for events: Yes
Pre-registration required for events: No

Icon, the biggest nerd/geek convention in Israel, is once again taking place this Succot! Three days of fun filled events, cosplay competitions, awesome merchandise, and wonderful, wonderful things!

Most of the events cost money; pre-registration requires registering an account, which can be done here, There is an app with all this information which can be found here.

The events run during the below times, though the area itself will be open earlier:
Day 1: 12 PM – 1 AM
Day 2: 10 AM – 1 AM
Day 3: 10 AM – 9 PM

If you are aware of any convention taking place here in Israel, or some other interesting event taking place, please notify me, and I will do my best to report on it!